Tag Archive | wine

8/14/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections

A Glass of Wine with Dinner

Cheese hardens with holes throughout
hidden until the knife goes through.

So don’t be surprised by what you find
when prodding me for answers.

I have empty places you cannot fill
that time has sealed up tight.

So don’t be surprised by who I am
when the outside’s gone to mold.

Pour us each a glass of wine
and taste a palette cleanser.

Slowly savor my new found flavor,
becoming what you’ve hungered for.

Warning on the Label

Don’t befriend me, an avid poet,
who listens with attention
to all your worldly woes,
prodding you with jellybeans,
and creamy coffee chocolate,
all the while writing down
new juicy poem prompts.

My subtle cookie tossing
of your secret private words
spreads far beyond my kitchen
out into the blog-o-sphere
where hungry readers can indulge,
calories be damned.

I am a scandalous master
of woes and words and worlds,
’cause I can mix it with the best
and serve it hot to you.

One smart cookie.

5/30/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections

The Time Between

Sometimes it’s hard
not to succumb to the bottle
of white wine atop the refrigerator
when my child is sleeping
and I alone am walking
back and forth
unsure then sure
back and forth

Shadows of my pacing
are rippling through the blinds
to the street outside
where the night
is quiet and deep
and empty as my arms
elbow holding elbow
uncrossed then crossed
elbow holding elbow

It takes a strong inhale
pulled by some hidden thread
out of my stomach
and up through my lungs
to utter a sigh
back and forth
not breathing then breathing
back and forth

My skeptical eyes to the blinds
to the bottle
to the streets
so black