Tag Archive | socks

Penny Loafers

George Henry Bass
was the maker of
Norwegian ‘Weejuns’
penny loafers
able to make both
Dean and the King
look cool
as those Ivy League
students too lazy
to find their socks
two pennies
for their thoughts
just enough then
for a phone call home
that Mommy please
guilt dip
into your own
secret stash
send more love
in the form
of a twenty
cause my two
to rub together
is gone.

11/9/2011 – Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – When Elastic Fails

When Elastic Fails

I will admit
to overdosing them
with sweet beguiling
slippery softener
‘till dead at my feet
they can rise
no more.

Yet they cling to me
as they can
with a ghastly
screaming need
for me to pull
them up.

Yes, once
I had a pair of normal socks.



11/10/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections

The Man in the Moon Has No Hands

I walk in socks
unwilling to wake
the sleeping
as I pass the window
showing multiple images
of myself,
distorted and untouchable,
in the blackened night.

It is easy
to slide quietly
between the pains
of glass
and into that darkness
where my regrets
leave an untouchable

I can stay in the shadows
as long as the moon
is on my side
and keeps
his hands
to himself.