Tag Archive | heads

4/30/2012 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – The Day Ends

The Day Ends

Shadows greyed
the peonies
as they hung their
heavy heads
after a day
of showing off
their crimson petticoats
with the passerby’s glances
forgetting to inhale
their shot of intoxication
that was free for the picking.

Now night must do her magic
giving them renewed courage
to raise their heads
in dignity
and tomorrow
before the summer ends
with chastising heat
and dries them all
to seed.

4/09/10 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Schooled


PROMPT 9: Write a self-portrait poem.


I have tossed aside my cover
to let the cool morning air
wake my skin,
my muscles,
my bones.

I stand.

In this moment,
this is all I am.

there can be organization,
a back up plan,
a process,
a sharing of my knowledge,
my theories,
my self.

students can prop up their heads,
upon their palms
interested, disinterested,
until the bell
or their blood
falls asleep
or wakes them up.

But in this moment,
this is all I am.

I have tossed aside my cover.