Tag Archive | shoulders

6/9/2012 – Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Guillotine

(Writer’s Digest – 2nd Place Winner- Quatern Challenge 3/05/2012)


When your lips brush my yielding neck,
I remember why I should turn
away from all the sharpened words
that landed with a cutting edge.

Your warm breath tries to soften me
when your lips brush my yielding neck,
but I’m still stiff and suspended
above your pensive punishment.

Even though I reprimand you
as your strong arms coil around me,
when your lips brush my yielding neck,
you make me want to struggle less.

For I’ve been found guilty of love,
and if I have to bite my tongue,
I’ll forgive my shoulders dropping
when your lips brush my yielding neck.

Leaving the Fight

Warm drips melt
on my shoulders
falling down my arms
like dappled leaves
gently spilling sunshine.

Warmth can’t be cupped
cold and hard
like snowballs
forming a sheltering fort
to challenge you from.

Summer, you vixen,
my long distance love,
you have teased me again.
I ache for your taste,
your heat on my tongue.

12/26/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Ashes to Ashes

dust bunnies

Ashes to Ashes

There is a tiredness
that is dying with me
and I long
for a dumpster
to toss it away,
but it has settled
itself upon my shoulders,
and won’t let go.

If I had any energy
at all,
I would be scrubbing out
the refrigerator,
or mopping the floor,
or doing the laundry,
but I am just typing,
only my fingers moving.

Later, when friends ask,
“How did you
manage to write a book?”
I will be as surprised
as they are,
while kicking dust bunnies
under my chair.