Tag Archive | food

Fed Up Breakfast

Mom puts the plate
in front of me
but I am too hungry
for biscuits
to see her

as anything
but the bringer of food
the washer
the dryer
the back of the house

whether she smiles
as she pours
the coffee or gravy
or turns to cry
I never see her

wipe her hands
hang the towels
exhale with a sigh
too much on her plate
till lunch

11/02/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Macaroni Necklace

Macaroni Necklace

Jars of individual colors,
wild strawberry,
lemon yellow,
so tempting and delicious,
blended into cocoa brown.

I did not give them the time
they needed to dry
as my tempera paints blurred
food into fashion.

to grow up,
my childhood attempts
at gluttonous glamour,

when given time,

were so easily crushed.