Tag Archive | drips

4/2/2015 – Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Miracle Grow

Miracle Grow

Her hollowed skin
is potholed
on old bulging
and when she
wrings her hands,
she breathes
in deep.

Her slow exhale
drips out
every secret
she had.
Till all she is –
is a concave

And if only
could thrive
without sun,
she might have
for one.

4/3/2014 – Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – Kindred Spirits

PAD Day 3 Message Poem

Kindred Spirits

Collected pain drips
from an assortment
of wobbly elbows
until this night’s convergence
of long island tea
and bloody marys
leaves their imprints
far too messed up
for any psychic to read
before the barkeep
wipes the stench away
gathering bits of their souls
into a yellowed sheet
now filled with their piss
and vinegar.