Tag Archive | bread familylife

5/24/09 Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections

Kneading Thoughts

I was thinking about bread
how you mix the dough
form it into shapes
maybe even flavor it
with raisins or cinnamon
and raise it
and bake it
till it’s done.

There seems a finality
to the loaf
and you have to eat it
rip off chunks
or slice it
just like it is
and as you eat
you really taste
its goodness
with butter
and a glass of wine.

But then I was thinking
that there are other things
that you could slather on it
like peanut butter, apple butter
or jam
and you could make a sandwich
and fill it with an endless
variety of things
like leftover chicken
or roast beef
or ham.

That should be enough
to satisfy
until I realize
that the last of the loaf
could still become
a filler for quiche
or bread pudding
and stuffing
if left to dry enough.

And if by chance
it is forgotten
for a further undisclosed
amount of time
it is shown off at school
in science.

Today I’m toast.

Bug Off!

I am sluggish
annoyed by the sun
too lazy to move
from my chair
when a buzzing fly
far too energetic
in this summer heat
finds the time it takes
for me to slam my
rolled up newspaper
on the table laden
with the tribute
of the farmer’s market
is far too short
as he comes to realize
I am a vengeful god.