Tag Archive | sorry

Canned Goods

It’s a mistake
to hit your brother
on a shopping day
for Momma
holds the opener
and the spoon
and there
are only
so many
in the fruit
and all your
can’t produce

Final Cleanout










You wanted to say
so much
yet didn’t

but called for
a dumpster
to toss their life

their boxes
and boxes
of this and that

their knick

their photos
of strangers
shoulders aching

your hands
dust dirty
staining your soul

so sorry’
with tears falling

on plants just dying
to go home
with you.

4/20/2015 – Patricia A. Hawkenson’s Reflections – My Word, the Stupidity

My Word, the Stupidity

Did she really do that
to herself
on purpose?

Yes. Apparently so.

Wow. The stupidity
of some people
is mind-boggling.

Yes. Apparently so.

What would make her
think that’s okay?

Her? I’m sorry.
I thought we were talking
about you.

Me? Stupid?

Yes. Apparently so.